ME Lobster Survey


Questions & Answers

Why is this survey important?

The lobster fishery absorbed a large influx of fishermen over the past two decades as other fisheries declined. Many fishermen that once relied on a variety of fisheries are now almost exclusively dependent on the lobster resource. The information collected by this survey will help us understand the role that the lobster fishery plays in supporting individuals, families and coastal communities and how they may be affected by potential changes in the fishery. This information is critical to making sure future management measures are based on sound numbers.

Who’s behind this?

The survey is being organized by the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries (a marine research and education institute in Stonington, Maine) and will be carried out by Market Decisions (a professional research firm). A steering committee comprised of members of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association, scientists and fishery managers working with Market Decisions to develop the questions for the survey.

How and when will the survey be done?

The survey will be done online, or by phone and will take about 20 minutes to complete. Market Decisions will call a randomly picked sample of lobster permit holders in Maine this spring. After the surveys are done and the information is compiled, meetings will be held in the fall in several locations around the Gulf of Maine to present the results to stakeholders in the lobster fishery and get feedback on the results.

What questions will be asked?

The survey will cover many areas including: amount of involvement in lobstering, operational costs, access to financing for vessels and operations, and financial dependence on the lobster fishery and other fisheries. A workbook which details the questions being asked can be found here:

Who will see these data, and how will it be used?

All responses are confidential.  It is illegal for Market Decisions to release individual responses without permission of that individual.  Information that links responses to individuals will be known only to Market Decisions and will not be provided to anyone, including GMRI or the government. The data will be used by the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries to provide the information that the industry and fishery managers need to evaluate the impacts of management proposals and regulatory actions and to plan for the future of the industry.

Why should I participate?

Because the lobster fishery supports thousands of individuals, families and communities throughout the Gulf of Maine. Only with your help, can we collect the information necessary to ensure the lobster industry gets the recognition and support it deserves and to prepare for what the future may bring.

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